Quick Sort: Powerful and Elegant

June 10, 2021


DS&A Adventures


The other sorts we have covered each had some deficiency in terms of speed, space, or complexity. The sort that we cover now, the quick sort, achieves a perfect balance of all three metrics.

In the merge sort, we employed a recursive loop that involved splitting an array into its smallest sub-components and sorting each of those on the way up. With quick sort, we instead sort the top level array and then recurse through smaller components.

This method makes use of two facilities, partition and sort, in addition to the exchange function that we used in previous posts.

Let us start with the partition method.

template<typename T>
int partition(vector<T>& list, int low, int high)
  int left = low;
  int right = high + 1;
  T pivot = list[low]; // arbitrarily pick low as pivot value

  while (true) // loop until left and right meet
    while (list[++left] < pivot) // update left until it hits out of place
      if (left == high)

    while (pivot < list[--right]) // update right until it hits out of place
      if (right == low)

    if (left >= right) // break when pointers meet

    exchange(list, left, right); // put lesser and greater on proper sides

  exchange(list, low, right); // move pivot value into pivot position
  return right;

This method starts by picking a pivot value. We arbitrarily set pivot to low, but we could also pick a random number between low and high. We also initialize left and right counters to point to the left and right ends of the relevant list range. We then loop indefinitely until left and right meet.

Along the way, we look for elements that are greater than pivot on the left side and elements that are less than pivot on the right side. Such elements are out of order with respect to pivot, and so we swap their places. When left and right meet, we put the pivot value at their center and return its index.

The partition method puts the list in a state where pivot is at the center of the relevant range, everything before pivot is less than pivot, and everything after pivot is greater than pivot.

By repeating this process on smaller and smaller sub-lists, the entire list is sorted. The sort method implements this recursive pattern.

template<typename T>
void sort(vector<T>& list, int low, int high)
  if (high <= low) // base case

	const int mid = partition(list, low, high);
	sort(list, low, mid - 1);
	sort(list, mid + 1, high);

In this method, we call partition to find our pivot (sorting along the way), and then sort ranges to the left and right of the pivot. When high is less than or equal to low, the range has a size of 1 and the recursion ends.

To initiate this recursion, we call sort on the full range of the list, giving shape to our quick_sort method.

template<typename T>
void quick_sort(vector<T>& list)
  sort(list, 0, list.size() - 1);

The quick sort is a powerful and elegant algorithm. In terms of speed, quick sort achieves optimal (linearithmic) complexity on average.

To avoid worst case performance, it is a good idea to shuffle the list prior to sorting.

In terms of space, the quick sort has a leg up on the merge sort (which requires an auxiliary list of n size) because it uses constant space in the form of a few counters. And in terms of complexity, the quick sort is fairly straightforward to understand and implement relative to its peers. For all of these reasons, for general applications, the quick sort is a safe first-choice.

© 2021 Mustafa Moiz.