
May 18, 2023



This reference guide provides information about settings that can be configured for the Prefixed plugin. Settings can be modified in the Project Settings menu of the Unreal Engine Editor. They can also be modified by adding entries to the [/Script/Prefixed.PrefixedSettings] section of the BaseEditor.ini file (for settings that apply at the Engine level) or the DefaultEditor.ini file (for settings that apply at the project level).

Use Config Rules

bool bUseConfigRules (default: false)

If true, the linter will use rules specified in Editor config files, through the Project Settings menu or through manual edits. If false, the linter will use rules specified in Prefixed.json and *.prefix files. (Note: The use of Prefixed.json and *.prefix files is deprecated and support for rules specified in that manner will be removed in Unreal Engine 5.4.)

Config Rules

Rules for naming assets. The following fields can be specified for each rule.

  • FString Class: The name of the class that the rule applies to.
  • FString Prefix: The prefix that assets of the class should have.
  • FString Suffix: The suffix that assets of the class should have.
  • TArray<FString> DeprecatedPrefixes: Prefixes that should be stripped from assets of the class, if present.
  • TArray<FString> DeprecatedSuffixes: Suffixes that should be stripped from assets of the class, if present.

Ignore Directories

TArray<FDirectoryPath> IgnoreDirectories

Directories to ignore. The linter will skip assets within an ignored directory during both manual and automatic linting. Paths are resolved relative to the root directory of the current project. The following shorthand notation may be used as well:

  • /Game: Content folder of the current project
  • /Engine: Content folder of the current engine
  • /{Plugin}: Content folder of the plugin with the specified name

For instance, to ignore an asset located at Content/Characters/Char.uasset, you can add the path /Game/Characters to the list of directories to ignore. As another example, to ignore an asset that is part of the Rocks plugin and located at the path Rocks/Content/Pebbles/Pebble.uasset, you can ignore the path /Rocks or /Rocks/Pebbles.

Monitor Asset Changes

bool bMonitorAssetChanges (default: true)

If true, the linter monitors changes to the asset registry—such as asset creation and asset renames—to detect assets that violate the target naming convention automatically.

Monitor When Running Commandlet

bool bMonitorWhenRunningCommandlet (default: false)

If true, the linter monitors assets when the Editor is running a commandlet. This may cause some commandlets to crash.

Monitor Engine Assets

bool bMonitorEngineAssets (default: false)

If true, the linter monitors Engine assets (including Engine plugins) for compliance. If false, these assets are ignored during automatic linting but can still be linted manually.

Lint Automatically

bool bLintAutomatically (default: true)

If true, the linter automatically renames assets that violate the target naming convention, aligning them with the convention. If false, the linter prompts the user to address or ignore the violations instead.

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